It's been a little over a month since we launched Zello for First Responders program, which offers free licenses for our enterprise-grade Zello Work service to organizations dedicated to saving lives. Today I'd like to share an update about our progress.
Since the program started we received 127 applications and already distributed user licenses saving first responders a combined $1.2M a year.
Thus far fire departments demonstrated the most interest, followed by multifunction emergency response agencies. The program is focused on US-based first responders, however, we already saw applications from UK, Germany, Guatemala, Thailand, and Hungary.

Volunteer first responder organizations or agencies working tightly with volunteer groups benefit from the program the most. With Zello everyone gets a radio!
When implemented by first responders Zello is not intended to completely replace radios but rather complement them. With unlimited range, unlimited channels supporting up to 10000 users, secure encryption, and broad support of hardware accessories, Zello is often the fastest and most reliable way to connect with the team, when radios don't work or radio channels should be reserved for critical communications.
If you are interested in joining the program, please read qualifying criteria and apply online here.