Zello - The Leading Push-To-Talk Walkie Talkie App

Hurricane Florence Rescue

Written by Raphael Varieras | September 12, 2018

If you or someone you know needs to be rescued in the North Carolina, South Carolina or Virginia area please use the following resources:

Phone numbers:

  • 911
  • (504)-517-6289 (Cajun Navy Relief) -- request help directly from Cajun Navy volunteers

Zello channels (get the app to connect):

When submitting your request for the rescue clearly state, text, or send your location to authorized admins and provide:

  • The complete address of the rescue location, and any information which would help rescuers find you
  • Contact phone number and your name
  • Number of people needing help and their condition

 Does Zello work without cellular service or wifi?

No. You need need cellular or wifi in order for Zello to work.