
March 29, 2019

2 minute read

Meet Team Zello: Greg, Nayeli, and Wil

Meet Team Zello: Greg, Nayeli, and Wil

Raphael Varieras
Raphael Varieras
Zello Team

Meet some more of our incredibly talented team members as we continue with another installment of our "Meet Team Zello" blog series.

We asked each team member to provide their job title, a personal statement about “Why Zello?”, and one interesting factoid about themselves. Today, we’re pleased to introduce our team members Greg, Nayeli, and Wil: 

Greg Cooksey


Job Title: Senior Mobile Developer

Why Zello: “I'm new at Zello, but it's great how tight the team is here. It's really inspiring also to see the ways that people put the app to use in civilian disaster response. I'm excited to get to contribute to a project that really helps people."

Interesting Factoid: "After moving to Austin, I learned how to play violin again and got involved in the local music scene a little. I occasionally play solo electronics and with an improv band/performance art group called Mongoose." 


Nayeli Cortina

Nayeli 3

Job Title: Product Manager

Why Zello: “Even before I started working at Zello, I was using Zello to communicate internationally with my extended family living in Mexico. After more than 4 years working at Zello, I've witnessed how our app brings together hundreds of thousands of people in times of strife, like government oppression, neighborhood crime, hurricanes, and earthquakes. I also get to see how Zello entertains people from all over the world, with interesting topics like politics, survival tactics, culture, and more. Zello hit close to home again when hurricane Harvey decimated Houston. Close friends and family were on Zello checking for the status of their loved ones, as well as how they could help. It's been an honor to be part of a team that, against all odds, continues to serve and unite the global community." 

Interesting Factoid: “I enjoy cooking and baking! My latest kitchen "conquests" are blini (Russian pancakes inspired by my Russian co-workers) and macarons (inspired by The Great British Baking Show). My next challenges are challah and baguettes." 


Wil Nichols 

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Job Title: Designer

Why Zello: “At Zello, we genuinely care for our users’ right to privacy. We neither charge our users, nor sell their information to advertising platforms. In the past year, we've spent time and energy to continue allowing our Russian users to communicate easily, safely, and freely over Zello - despite attempts by multiple Russian federal bodies to at first gain access to user communications, and then to prevent Zello use altogether. Between our amazing users - from protestors worldwide to groups like the Cajun Navy and the principles that are embedded into everything that Zello does, I'm incredibly proud to work with and support Zello.“

Interesting Factoid: “Despite studying French in my undergraduate, I now live in a part of Belgium where Flemish is the prevailing language. When not working, I love traveling and photography.”

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